Shawn Boone
Phone: 5616351530
Alternate: 5616351532

Shawn Boone

Key Leader

West Palm Beach ,FL 33407


Greetings! I am Shawn Boone from West Palm Beach, Florida. Before connecting with The Alliance, my life revolved around football. As far as I can remember I’ve played the sport and experienced great wins and successes. From triumphant little league competitions to the state championship in high school, I went on to earn a full scholarship to North Carolina State University. During my time there I was offered many great resources and mentors. As a defensive back I dominated as a three year starter which led to an NFL opportunity placing me with the Houston Texans in 2018. The opportunity to play on a professional level was a blessing however shorter than I had mapped out. I now had to decide what was next. Circling back to my time at NC State, one of those great mentors happened to be a Mr. Andy Albright. Andy is the CEO of The Alliance and the reason I am able to help you secure a financial future. On the sideline of an NC State football game, Andy presented me with the opportunity to partner with The Alliance and help build financial wealth for myself and peers. In following his lead, I have developed great insight of this business and the ability to increasingly improve the financial security of every person I advise. The best part of my journey is that it continues to unfold wonderfully. The joy I found in football was more than playing the sport. It was getting up everyday to do what I loved. To build and elevate my team. I found that helping families and individuals take control of their financial future is the same playing field. Whether I can offer you a consultation, build you a plan, or service a loved family member— I want to help you take control of your financial freedom. Shawn


Our mission is to provide the best financial products with the kind of in-home, professional service that is second to none. Our operating credo is: "Your clients don't care how much you know until they know how much you care." We take a personal interest in each and every one of our clients. We believe that knowing our clients' wants and needs is the foundation to recommending the best financial strategies that will provide exactly what each client wants.